This post should be titled as: ON MY MIND, because this trend is really really on my mind. Is there anything else that screams confy more than wearing pajamas on our daily routine? I don't think so. If you're looking at these inspiring pictures and haven't changed your mind yet, I'll tell this, think with me: Stripes, flower patterns, geometric patterns, different textures, silk, polka dots... It's heaven. And if you join it a good pair of elegant shoes and amazing acessories, you'll not be looking distracted, but sophisticated.

I love it, don't you?
I'M A BIG FAN OF SEX AND THE CITY, as everybody already knows, I suppose. I fall in love with Carrie every time I (re)watch an episode. And her unrepeatable clothes? I feel like crying. Literaly.
She also immortalized one of the most "princess" pieces ever: the tulle skirt/dress.
When I passed by Zara the other day during my lunch break (I really don't have another break, that's because this blog feels so alone...), I fell like crying again when my friend showed me this dress that screams Carrie, and when something screams Carrie you know it screams my name too. You may find it a little tacky or something, but that's because you're picturing it dressed in a 5 year old child with a plastic tiara, and not in myself, with modern cinderella shoes and maybe a blouse on the top. Isn't it cute in a nice way?
For those who asked me about next Flea Market event, I really don't know when it will happen again here, in the city. But I'll tell you what: Keep tuned and you'll know it.
I'm probably late, but today was the day I finally went to the famous Flea Market, here in Oporto. I have to say I really loved it.
However, something very strange happened: I nice guy came to me to ask me if he could take a picture of myself for his streetstyle blog, and, of course, I said yes. I was really excited to tell him that I had a blog too, and he was ready to make a note when suddenly I realized I didn't know my own blog link from memory! Could I be more ridiculous? I don't think so...
Hoje foi, finalmente, o dia em que visitei a famosa Flea Market aqui no Porto. Uma feirinha onde existe de tudo um pouco: comida, roupa vintage, óculos de sol, bijouteria... Uma coisa bem girinha e que acontece todos os meses. Definitivamente volto lá para o mês que vem. Quando vÃnhamos embora, apareceu um rapaz que me perguntou se podia tirar uma foto minha para o seu blog de streetstyle. Comentei, de imediato, que tinha um blog também. Ele já estava preparado para o anotar, quando eu lembrei-me, qual cabeça na lua, que não me lembrava do link. Com tantas mudanças na blogosfera, e na minha cabeça, eu esqueci-me completamente! Se eu podia fazer figuras mais ridÃculas? Acho que não...
Espero que estejam a ter um óptimo fim de semana! *
YESTERDAY I was talking to my friend while we're flying (she was driving...) through the city, hairs outside the window, sunglasses on and perfume in the air (can you imagine that?), and here we go to kill... (or to attend a class, who cares?!) and started a conversation that culminated on this: why girls wear all the same thing? And this is a very common question - and when I say this, I mean that everybody notes that, talks about that and still, do the same. Because "main trends" - and when I say main trends, I mean those who every girls, from small to tall, insists on putting all together in the same outfit - are actually very wearable, easy and not judgmental, because everybody is used to see them everywhere on everyone. And the big main question is: WHY? And why is it so in to wear the same, even though that trend is typical last season? Are they late? Am I early? No, I'm actually not early, because sometimes I do the same (stripes! I'm guilty), but what I really don't understand is this: Are maxi skirts so in that it's cool to match them with our friends, so that we can walk on the streets like we have came from the same store, and we're trying to help selling all different colours of the same piece? And why those moments make us turn our necks back to check if our vision is right? And why am I doing all these questions? And why do I have so much to do? These are actually very good questions so... let's speculate.
P.S. Am I writing in english? I am. My blog is becoming super international (cof cof) and I had to take providence. Because I want a world wide contact. And it's kind of cool, I have to say. For those who don't understant, and love the mother language of our country, I say: keep reading, I'll probably keep in touch: in portuguese as well.
Ontem estava a falar com uma amiga enquanto passeavamos de carro pela cidade, cabelos ao vento, óculos de sol na cara e perfume no ar (uma imagem cinematográfica bastante credÃvel), prontas para matar (ou para ir para a aula, o que é que interessa, não é verdade?!), e ocorreu-nos isto: Porque é que as raparigas usam todas as mesmas coisas? E esta questão - tão banal quanto a quantidade de perguntas que eu faço per post - culmina com a definição de: tendências principais. Ou seja, aquelas tendências que toda a gente usa e abusa, desde as rapariguinhas de metro e meio, até à s mais grandinhas, de forma a que, num mesmo outfit, se conjugam todas as tendências - aquelas que as carÃssimas acham que merecem e, certamente, mais algumas. Porque será tão fixe usar as mesmas coisas, mesmo quando a tendência é já tão passada? Estarão elas atrasadas? Serei eu adiantada? Também não, visto que eu também faço isso de vez em quando, mas a questão chave é: Estarão as maxi saias assim tão in que é muito fixe combinar com as amiguinhas de usá-las todas no mesmo dia, e atravessar as ruas todas de igual como se viessem da mesma loja de roupa e estivessem a tentar vender as cores todas? E porque é que essas visões nos fazem virar o pescoço para trás para verificar se a visão estava correcta? E porque é que eu estou a fazer estas perguntas todas? E porque é que tenho tantas coisas para fazer??? Estas são as questões do momento na minha cabeça... Reflectamos sobre elas.
1. Statement necklaces
2. Carrie Carrie Carrie!
3. Valentino shoes
4. Festival looks (this super cute shorts!)
5. Boys t-shirts
2. Carrie Carrie Carrie!
3. Valentino shoes
4. Festival looks (this super cute shorts!)
5. Boys t-shirts
1. Brincos neon e grandes
2. Óculos de sol espelhados3. Pip Edwards
4. Colete de ganga
5. Colares como pulseiras de tornozelo
6. James Dean